Dear Youth Leader: Society is Preying on Your Girls

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Dear Youth Leader,

Society is preying on your girls.

With more pressure on them than ever, girls are fed lie after lie that their worth is placed on their achievements, appearance, and ability to balance a million activities flawlessly. They are to do it all and be it all while looking like a paper-thin lingerie model and showing zero signs of insecurity. They are to put on a pretty face and never screw up, slip up, or mess up. They are, in almost all respects, taught to be perfect rather than brave, a performer wearing a mask rather than a champion for truth and authenticity.

No wonder we have an epidemic of insecurities running rampant through our young women.

We, the church of Jesus Christ, must do something to counteract the masquerade our culture so desperately wants our girls to attend.


What does this have to do with you and your church?

On November 12, 2016, Oak Grove Baptist Church in Paducah, Ky., will host a Masquerade Girls’ Conference at the Paducah Expo Center and we want you and your girls to be there.

Masquerade is a conference for 8th-12th grade girls about identity, authenticity, and finding freedom to ditch the mask. We will dig into questions like:

Why are we sometimes afraid to be who we really are?
Why is it easier to hide than be brave?
What should we do about it?

Why do we sometimes go from person to person looking for validation and acceptance, desperate for guys to like us and people to approve us?
Why is rejection so terrifying and painful?
How do we ditch the mask and present the realest version of ourselves?

We pray this conference will equip each girl with the necessary tools to find their security and identity in the only person able to satisfy every longing of their heart—Jesus Christ.

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Click the photo for more information.

Register here.

Thank you for fighting for today’s youth.


Girls’ Life Magazine Vs. Boys’ Life Magazine


Are we (females) put on this earth only to care about fashion and our dream hair? Is that what should be integral in the basis of our identity?

We don’t think so.

This conference will address issues just like this. Please consider coming, but even if you don’t, please consider raising our girls to be consumed with something that will outlast their mirror reflection.